Mr. Feisty is Gone

I named him Mr. Feisty because, well...he simply was. He'd try to bite me when I fed him. He'd play with his food...sucking it in then spitting it out, often right out of the water. Pattoooiieeeee! He'd charge the bowl when he'd see me come near. One time he hit the glass so hard I heard I "clink." He tried to jump out of the bowl on a couple of occassions. And, having to live in my car trying to get away from an abusive relationship and trying to relocate back home in Santa Barbara...he was there with me in his little "carry on" container...eyeing me carefully...plotting his getaway.
He hadn't been feeling well this past couple of weeks. He was getting puffy and his gills were swelling. He wasn't charging for his little boyant food pellets. His brilliant blue turning grey. I knew it was only a matter of time. I just didn't think it would so hard letting go of his little fiesty companionship.
He was so ornary that he wouldn't even hold still for a photo. But I found a photo of a Betta that kinda had that fiesty blue/red "mean" sheen.
Who knew that a little fish could show so much personality and how much I already miss him.
Labels: Passings