Meryl Streep plays Julia Child

in the upcoming film adaptation of the blog gone big time "Julie and Julia."
Streep juggles pots, pans and pâté in what promises to be a deliciously rich portrait of Julia Child during the decade-long span when she evolved into America's queen of French cuisine in Julie & Julia. Joining her is Amy Adams, her nun sidekick from Doubt, as blogger Julie Powell, who spent a year toiling over all 524 recipes in Child's classic Mastering the Art of French Cooking. - USA TodayDirected by Nora Ephron and scheduled to hit the theatres on August 7th...seems the appropriate month to release as Julia was born August 15, 1912 and passed on August 13, 2004 at her home in Montecito. Perhaps they will have a special event in Julia's honor at her favorite local restaurant, La Super-Rica.
Check out the trailer at MoviePhone
Labels: bloggers, Chef, Julia Child, La Super-Rica, Meryl Streep, Movie, Restaurant