Friday, December 31, 2010 

Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) quarantine in Ventura and Santa Barbara

Residents with backyard citrus trees in quarantine areas are asked to not remove fruit from those areas. 

All of Ventura County has been placed under quarantine for the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) following the detection of two psyllids in the eastern and western portions of the county.
The first ACP was detected in a trap in a citrus grove in the La Conchita area, along the coastline. The second was detected in a trap in commercial citrus near the community of Santa Paula, approximately 20 miles east of La Conchita.

The quarantine measures for Ventura County also include 312 square miles of Santa Barbara County, from the county line in the south almost to Goleta, and eastward into mountains in the county.

Additionally, virtually all of western Riverside County west of the Coachella Valley is now under quarantine following detections of the pest in the Redlands-area. - Western Farm Press

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hate to differ with @williamshatner, but it really was a lousy year. 2011 has got to be better.

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The Good Feet Store

at 1307 State Street, apparently has run away. Everything has been packed up. No signs left on the windows. Another business gone buh-bye.

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Monday, December 27, 2010 

More Rain On The Way

Dang you Zeus!
The rains and snows that socked California for a week have eased for now but another storm is on its way.

...A fast-moving storm approaching from the Pacific Northwest is predicted to move into California by Tuesday and is expected to bring rains on Wednesday morning. - SCPP

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Saturday, December 25, 2010 

Hyvää Joulua! (Merry Christmas!)

FINLAND Artic Circle FI-234539
Originally uploaded by manchot6150.

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Friday, December 24, 2010 

Joyeux Noel de Cajun!

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Thursday, December 23, 2010 

Happy Merry Festivus

Time to air some grievances.

Those folks in the big fancy Mercedes, Porches and BMW's, they really should learn that the whole dang road is not theirs. Their air of roadway entitlement is endangering us all.

Those imbeciles driving while texting or talking on the phone. Just hang up the dang thing before you kill us all. Business and social life was had before the cellphone. Try doing it old school.

Birthers out there. I want to see YOUR birth certificate AND published notice of your birth in your local newspapers.

If you have to buy something in line at the supermarket as a Christmas gift, why bother. Really. Give them a hug. Make them a card. Why give gifts just for the sake of having done so? It cheapens the whole affair.

Why can't this so-called Christmas spirit be carried on throughout the year? You know the peace on earth and good will to men stuff.

Bullies should just look in the mirror. They should concentrate on what is missing in their lives rather than going out and abusing others.

Who the heck decides rental rates? How do they get away with "highway robbery?"

The Democrats should go shopping "Spines R Us" and pick up a few.

To the lady in line at one of those fancy schmancy stores who went ballistic over the FREE gift wrapping having a little "wrinkle" know where you can go.
Rain. Well, you can just go away. Leave the rainbows.

How many millions does one need to live on anyway?

We need to stop this class warfare. It's destroying the country.

Why doesn't anyone pick up after themselves in movie theatres or busses their own table after eating at a coffee joint. What would their mothers think...or are their parents to blame for such classless behaviour?

If you can't be honest with your friends, are they really friends? Can you be honest with anyone, including yourself then?
Does everything need to be made in China? How 'bout making some stuff back here in the States, eh? 

Why has Paris Hilton spent more time in jail than DICK Cheney? (Yes...emphasis on the first name.) 

Hey "so-called" news outlets, do we really need to see another story about Lindsay Lohan?

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A small "I'm Sorry" from the Rain Gods

thanks Nic for capturing this!

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010 

It's getting near that time...

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010 

The Great Pizza Mizza Scavenge Hunt

Pizza Mizza is spreading a little fun and excitement (to go along with their great pizza.) Hints to the hiding places of five (count them...5) $100 certificates to Pizza Mizza will be shared on their or their Facebook page or Twitter stream 
Our $500 Santa Barbara Scavenger Hunt is only a week away, Dec. 29th. We can't wait to reveal clues to their hiding spots. #pizzamizzahunt

 How deliciously delightful is that! Good luck to y'all. I'll be on the hunt, too.

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$105,000 a month rent

Who can afford to pay that? Apparently Borders' downtown Santa Barbara couldn't. (per a very loud cellphone conversation I overheard in downtown SB today.)

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The Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse December 2010
Originally uploaded by hale T..


Had to watch it on internet stream as we are being visited by quite the rain storm.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010 

Christmas Songs Marathon - Day 1

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Saturday, December 18, 2010 

Santa Barbara Film Feast

During the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, feast your eyes on some fabulous films AND feast your senses on some fabulous food.
Santa Barbara rolls out the red carpet for film-lovers and food fans during the star-studded Santa Barbara International Film Festival January 27-February 6, 2011. The eleven-day celebration of cinema coincides with Film Feast, a new prix fixe restaurant program available at dozens of downtown eateries throughout the duration of the festival. Film goers and foodies can choose from "Shorts" (two-course), "Features" (three-course) and "Epic" (four-course) length seasonal menus at participating restaurants. Film Feast provides a time-saving and tasty way to sample the region's best takes on the table before and after catching the action on the big screen. - Santa Barbara Visitors and Conference Bureau

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Friday, December 17, 2010 

Why Your Waiter Hates You

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It's not Holiday Season...Until you have Schweddy Balls!

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Which Restaurant is up for sale?

Hmmmm....can you guess?
Described as sexy and romantic by customer reviews, this restaurant offers a successful and diversified business model to aspiring restaurateurs. The owners built a strong brand awareness through local non-profits, fundraisers and catering services, and high profile events. Their downtown Santa Barbara location features an unparalleled historic view.

Community support for this location has proved strong from opening day, with historical revenue in the millions, and dozens of awards for food quality, inventive cocktails, congenial service and ambiance. A strong technology presence sets this restaurant apart from its competitors, with broadcast and print media complementing an informative website and online marketing program.

The long term lease will appeal to potential investors, with a first right of refusal to purchase the real estate. Public parking is excellent for this area - free after 5 pm and all weekend in the adjacent County lot. A Type 47 liquor license is included with the purchase.- BizBen

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010 

Chino's Rock and Tacos....toast? UPDATED

Walking around on State Street this afternoon, I noticed that the sidewalk tablesetting outside Chino's Rock and Tacos was gone and their windows were butcher papered up.

Have they packed up their guacamole and gone or are they just redecorating? There was no sign up mentioning anything....

UPDATE: Yep. Their Taco joint is TOAST.

Anyone have a clue?

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010 

O Street Truck arriving in Santa Barbara

O STREET TRUCK is coming next month To Santa Barbara. We will be the first Gourmet Food "Truck" in the area. The Road Rules.
Olive Street Table is rolling out a gourmet food truck set to hit our fair streets the first of next year. They feature a variety of all natural French Pastry products, including French Pastry Pizza, French Pasty Hors d'oeuvres and French Pastry Tarts using only all-natural, vegetarian ingredients! Can you say YUMMY!

Hey...they got Bobby Flay's thumbs up!

Follow the O Street Truck on Twitter or Facebook. Find out if they might be rolling up next to you!

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Monday, December 13, 2010 

Happy St. Lucia's Day

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Saturday, December 04, 2010 

Happy Saint Barbara's Day!

Saint Barbara, who our lovely red tiled town is named after.

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Friday, December 03, 2010 

Just Saying....

Before you eats.... check their tweets. @ and @

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Wednesday, December 01, 2010 

The space formerly occupied by Acapulco

Turtle guys back in their fountain home
Originally uploaded by santa barbarian.

in La Arcada (just in back of the turtle fountain) will be split by two VERY popular restaurants, Jeannine's and Los Agaves.

La Arcada itself was popular this evening with it's Annual Christmas "Walk" with food, fun music and carolling. Hope everyone had time to stop on by and sing-a-long, or at least hum a few bars.

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