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Thursday, December 23, 2010 

Happy Merry Festivus

Time to air some grievances.

Those folks in the big fancy Mercedes, Porches and BMW's, they really should learn that the whole dang road is not theirs. Their air of roadway entitlement is endangering us all.

Those imbeciles driving while texting or talking on the phone. Just hang up the dang thing before you kill us all. Business and social life was had before the cellphone. Try doing it old school.

Birthers out there. I want to see YOUR birth certificate AND published notice of your birth in your local newspapers.

If you have to buy something in line at the supermarket as a Christmas gift, why bother. Really. Give them a hug. Make them a card. Why give gifts just for the sake of having done so? It cheapens the whole affair.

Why can't this so-called Christmas spirit be carried on throughout the year? You know the peace on earth and good will to men stuff.

Bullies should just look in the mirror. They should concentrate on what is missing in their lives rather than going out and abusing others.

Who the heck decides rental rates? How do they get away with "highway robbery?"

The Democrats should go shopping "Spines R Us" and pick up a few.

To the lady in line at one of those fancy schmancy stores who went ballistic over the FREE gift wrapping having a little "wrinkle"...you know where you can go.
Rain. Well, you can just go away. Leave the rainbows.

How many millions does one need to live on anyway?

We need to stop this class warfare. It's destroying the country.

Why doesn't anyone pick up after themselves in movie theatres or busses their own table after eating at a coffee joint. What would their mothers think...or are their parents to blame for such classless behaviour?

If you can't be honest with your friends, are they really friends? Can you be honest with anyone, including yourself then?
Does everything need to be made in China? How 'bout making some stuff back here in the States, eh? 

Why has Paris Hilton spent more time in jail than DICK Cheney? (Yes...emphasis on the first name.) 

Hey "so-called" news outlets, do we really need to see another story about Lindsay Lohan?

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