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Friday, February 04, 2011 

Blogroll Amnesty Day

Also known as the Jon Swift/Al Weisel Memorial Blogroll Amenesty Day is, well, more than just a day. It's a celebration of a life gone...of sharing voices that may not be heard...it's about driving traffic off the blogging superhighway and onto some really lovely side paths of knowledge.

Skippy gives the low down on what exactly this special "blogtopia" (y!sctp) event is really all about.
readers of this space know that b.a.d. is the holiday wherein we ask everyone in blogtopia (and yes, we coined that phrase) to link to 5 smaller blogs w/less traffic than theirs (no bad jokes about no blogs having less traffic than yours, please).

this way we all can introduce our readers to new voices in blogtopia (and yes, we coined that phrase)' as well as giving greater exposure to blogs which may otherwise go unnoticed.

of course, the impetus for this whole ordeal originated w/our dearly departed friend, the legendary jon swift, aka al weisel, who was quite upset by the original blogroll bloodbath and self-amnesty declaration by those big box blogs who shall not be named.

al, in his guise as conservative blogger jon swift, wondered why so-called liberal blogs would have the least liberal blogrolling policies. we here at skippy international joined al/jon in his mock self-righteousness, and thus, four years ago b.a.d. was born!
Some informational blogs I would like to share this year for Blogroll Amnesty...are, well, foodist (of course.)

although his blog is definitely LARGER than mine, Bill Marler's blog (The Marler Blog) is the place to go for food recall news and is definitely worth checking in everyday.

and a newbie to blogtopia, but he's EVERYWHERE else....Fabio Viviani's very funny "you can hear his accent through the blog", blog.

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